Aug 13, 2019
Hey! Brian here.
Just checking in...
Where are you in your business right now?
Have you been making progress towards getting your freedom?
Are you clear on what your next step is?
If you think you might benefit from having me coach you on exactly what your next step is…
And hold you accountable to taking action every single week…
I have something you might like.
I’m forming a group (of 8 people max) called “Freedom Accelerators”.
We’re going to hop on a video call every 2 weeks - share our struggles - get the coaching/guidance you need…
Then have each person make a firm commitment on what they are going to do over the next two weeks…
To make big progress towards their goals.
This is a group of action takers ready for that healthy pressure they need so they can see real change in their lives.
If you’re interested, shoot me a reply and I’ll send you the FULL details.
P.S. - If you were to join a group like this, what’s the #1 thing you’d want it to have/provide?
P.S.S. - This group is going to be capped at 8 people MAX and we’ve already got a couple people signed up. If you’re interested let me know!