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Top 4 Benefits of Writing a Book - #2: Leaving Your Legacy

Jun 25, 2022

I've self published two books now, and there are 4 key benefits I've experienced as a result.

In the last email we talked about benefit #1 - productizing yourself

(You can read that email on the blog )

In this email let's talk about benefit #2 - leaving your legacy.

I often think about what it's going to be like to be on my deathbed one day.

Laying there, surrounded by the people who matter the most...

Reflecting back on my life and the way I lived it...

Wondering if I lived it to the fullest...

If I loved with everything I had...

If I was present enough to take the full experience in, and...

If I maximized my potential to help others and leave the world a better place.

For me, when it comes to that last part, I always picture myself having written a bunch of books (at least a dozen or more)...

Each one packaging up ideas or concepts that I've learned which I really feel could help other people to avoid some of the mistakes I made...

and have an easier go at this thing called life.

I like the idea that those books might live on without me for years, continuing to help other people...

I like the idea that my children, grandchildren, and their children could read those books and get to know me a little bit, too.

If you write even one book before it's your time, the book will live on without you.

It will be online for sale for as long as the internet exists.

It will continue to help people and spread your message, sharing the things you learned during your time here.

If you want this, I'd argue that the time to start leaving your legacy is now.

You don't need to wait until you're in the "legacy leaving phase" to start working on this.

You have valuable wisdom to share NOW that can make a difference in people's lives today.

Plus, none of us really know how much time we have.

If you are in the online coaching/expert space and you are ready to leave your legacy (and want to self-publish your book by the end of 2022), the Coach to Author 90 Day Intensive is designed to do just that.

Here's some highlights of what the program includes:

  • 12 weekly 1:1 writing sessions with me - where I coach you and write with you
  • Working directly with my personal editor & designer: who will edit and format your book and design your cover, all at no additional charge
  • Crafting your readers journey ahead of time so that, after reading your book, there is a clear path to working with you in a high ticket program
  • Rebuilding your backend offer (this is a part of the bullet point above)
  • A spread out payment plan (where you don't make the final payment until your book is live on Amazon)
  • My "no brainer guarantee" to continue working with you until your book has (at least) made you back the money you invest in my program


This is just a smidgen of what the program includes. It's a soup-to-nuts, white glove type of service.

Essentially, we need your manuscript done, and we can handle most of the rest, with your input (on things like the cover and editing decisions)

And, the manuscript is what I dive in and help you with, for 12 weeks straight.

If you've already started your book and just need some help getting to the finish line, even better.

The only way to join the program is to hit REPLY and send me a short email telling me about your situation and goals (2-3 sentences max).

Next, I'll ask to do a 20-30 minute call with you to make sure it's a fit before we get rolling.

I'm only taking on SIX clients in this program, so if you want one of the spots, act now.

Here's to you become an author in 2022!


P.S. - in the next email we break down benefit #3, credibility, how writing a book will boost your credibility by exactly 203%.

this is exact science and has been proven ;)

Look for that email in the next few days!

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