One Simple Shift That Makes Getting Clients Way Easier
Apr 03, 2024
I used to chase clients.
Anytime someone remotely showed interest in working with me, I followed up with them over and over.
I thought it was what I was "supposed to do".
If they told me they couldn't afford it, I thought that they had "mindset issues".
(That's what some of my not-so-great mentors of the past had told me to believe)
I thought I needed to get better at sales in order to convince more people of the value I had to offer.
Nothing I tried worked. Some folks seemed determined to remain on the fence forever, take as much free help as they could get, and never pay me a dime.
On the other hand, many of the 400 folks that have become a client of mine had money.
When I named my price, they barely batted an eye. They paid the invoice on time, in full.
Despite the obvious difference, it took me a lot of years to come to this conclusion:
I should stop chasing after broke people.
It's really not a good use of my time.
Now, if someone comes to me with money issues, I don't try to sell them anything.
In fact, I actively discourage them from seeking out my services.
I don't want someone to pay me if they have to dip into their savings, put it on a credit card, or take out a loan.
I don't want to bring that kind of urgency and pressure into our engagement.
I would rather help those folks via my free and cheap stuff (like my YouTube videos and books) first.
When they apply what they learn and make more money...
Then some of them will circle back around and hire me.
This actually happens, too.
People say things like:
"I implemented what was in your book and I made $10,000 in the first 30 days!"
So, I'm sharing this so you don't make the same mistake I did for many years.
Position your high-ticket offers for people who can afford you.
If someone has $250,000 in their bank account, and you charge $8,000 to solve a problem they have...
Most of them would rather get rid of their problem, even if their bank account now showed $242,000 after paying you.
if someone has $2,000 in their bank account and you charge $8,000, they're going to be in a tough spot if they say yes to working with you.
It's not that you aren't valuable. It's that they aren't in a place to make it happen (yet).
Help people who have money and you won't have any trouble making it.
— Brian