Apr 18, 2020
I hear the "I don't have the money" objection all the time...
When people are sitting on the sidelines...
Wishing they could buy a rental property.
Actually, the very SAME objection comes up quite a bit as well...
When I ask someone to invest in coaching with me.
When it comes to "having the money" to invest in something you want....
Here's what I've come to learn:
Nobody truly lacks the money to put towards something they REALLY want.
Yes, you might not have the money literally in your bank account TODAY.
But, if you wanted something bad would get RESOURCEFUL.
When you were a kid, and you wanted a new video game really, really bad...what did you do? You went to Mom and Dad and asked to earn money, to do extra chores, you mowed the grass or opened up a freakin lemonade stand.
Think about this:
If you had a GUARANTEE...
That for every $1 you invested into something....
It would give you back $20 in return.
How much money would you invest?
Would you go out and get resourceful, if you were 100% positive you'd get an exponential return on your investment?
Of course! Who wouldn't?
So here's the real truth for you guys. You don't actually lack money to invest.
What you lack is CERTAINTY.
A strong feeling of optimism that things will work out in a positive way.
If you had certainty, investing would be a no-brainer. You'd be almost frantic to get the money together to make it happen. To CHANGE your future.
So, how do you get certainty?
Here's the other "bad news"...
You actually CANNOT have full certainty of how something is going to go...
If you've never actually done the thing.
I did so many things for the first time...
Speaking in public...
Playing music in front of a crowd....
While the whole time, being absolutely terrified.
No certainty. But I took the leap.
There's a LEAP you have to take....
Where you trust.
Where you decide to try something new.
Where you decide that waht you've been doing has NOT been working...
And it's time to get out what's comfortable for you...
And away from what's NORMAL for you.
That's the hard truth for you guys. Only because I care about you.
You don't lack money or resourcefulness. You only lack certainty, and you can't get it when you've never done something.
So, it's your move...
What are you going to do?
If you're ready to push out of that comfort zone...
And really start to take some "risk".....
Then, send me a FB message
Telling me what your next action step is going to be.
I've got your back...