How to Guarantee That Your Coaching Business Will Grow
Jan 02, 2024
One thing that I struggle with is creating a simple, elegant process for growing my business predictably.
Sometimes I envy someone with a job like pressure washing, because even though it’s hard, they know exactly what their job is.
In this world of online business — being a coach or creator — it’s not nearly as obvious as to what you’re supposed to do.
Wouldn’t it be nice if there was one simple task to complete each day that would essentially guarantee you achieve your goals?
Wouldn’t it provide peace of mind?
Well, I believe I may have stumbled upon just that.
The other day, I was listening to this podcast episode with Nathan Barry and Ali Abdaal:
Ali Abdaal is the #1 productivity YouTuber, and Nathan Barry is a creator and the founder of ConvertKit, an email software that does 40M/year.
Nathan was talking to Ali about how he jump started his career as an online writer.
He told Ali “I wrote 1,000 words per day for over 600 days”.
This stopped Ali in his tracks. He couldn’t believe that someone could commit to such an insane level of output — for so long.
Nathan explained:
“Yeah, the compounding effect it had was crazy. It created so many emails, blog posts, books. It was the sole thing that jump started my career.”
Ali was so inspired by this that he, too, committed to writing 1,000 word per day.
Ali already earns 5M/year as a creator, and even he could see how adding a simple routine like this would take his business to another level.
He was also drawn in by the simplicity of this routine.
Write 1,000 words per day.
Nathan clarified: “It’s simple, but not easy”
That is an important distinction.
Running 5 miles per day is a simple commitment. There’s no confusion about what’s required.
Running 5 miles/day is not an easy commitment. I’d argue that it’s insanely hard.
Yet — if your goal is to get in shape — this commitment guarantees you will achieve it.
The conversation between Ali and Nathan struck a chord with me. I’ve never had trouble putting in the work. I’ve struggled with simplifying what the work actually is.
Not having a simple system has caused all sorts of issues in my business. I have unproductive days. I feel confused and overwhelmed.
I was so moved by the idea of simplifying my business down to one action that I also made the commitment to writing 1,000 words per day.
I’m committing to this for Q1 of 2024.
I will provide you with updates along the way. At the end of Q1, I will decide whether to extend the commitment to all of 2024, and/or possibly modify it.
You might be wondering:
How exactly does writing 1,000 words lead to business growth?
Well, in my case, business growth means clients.
If I want more clients, I need to sell more of my book Get Clients With a Book.
In fact, the amount of clients I get is tied to the amount of book sales I make.
If I want to sell more books, I need to create more content.
More content leads to more followers, which I can move to my email list.
Then, I need to send more emails to sell my book.
I need to build follow up email sequences that I can send after they purchase.
I need to add more copy to the landing pages inside the various steps in my funnel so they will convert better.
Everything I need to do is writing.
The 1,000 words per day will become:
- The emails I send to my list
- My weekly newsletter/blog posts
- Written posts/quote posts for social media
- YouTube video scripts
- Shorts/reels scripts
- Email follow up sequences
- Landing page copy
- Maybe even my next book! (depending on how far ahead I get)
Here’s a simpler way to look at this:
Writing 1,000 words per day is going to force me to increase my overall output. It’s going to force me to get shit done.
And, I will know what my main job is. Sure, there is plenty more to do after the 1,000 words are written. But, if I do nothing but write 1,000 words, I will have moved the needle in a big way.
By the way, this is a similar writing routine to Stephen King and John Grisham. They both write 1,000-2,000 words every morning. That’s their entire routine. They’ve stuck to it for decades, and look where they are.
This is all a theory at this point, but I’m optimistic. I’ll keep you posted.
I’m at my 1,000 words for the day now, so I’m going to wrap this up 🙂
Here’s my question for you…
What could you commit to that would be both a) simple and b) guarantee that you hit your goal?
Remember, simple….NOT easy.
If you feel inspired by this and want to commit to writing 1,000 words a day…
One of the best places you can apply that writing is to a client-getting book.
(If you’re not working on a book, you’re going to run out of places to write!)
Get my exact process for doing just that at:
Here’s to you achieving your goals in 2024 (in a simple way that ensures results)...