Mar 05, 2019
Are you constantly bombarded with new opportunities?
Suffering from the ole’ Shiny Object Syndrome a bit?
Find yourself switching from one thing to the next (and the next and the next)?
One second you decide to become an entrepreneur….
2 months later you get a job offer to go work for someone again.
3 months after that, someone comes to you wanting to partner with you on something….
On and on it goes.
I see people getting “jerked around” by opportunities all the time.
I even know a guy whose motto is “When in doubt say YES”.
He says yes to everything.
Guess what?
His results are weak. His efforts are diluted.
He’s doing a lot of different things…
But not making any meaningful progress…
Not moving forward at all towards his REAL goals.
Being busy DOES NOT equal being productive.
It can FEEL productive…
But it’s not.
What if I told you that there is a timeless, FOOLPROOF method…
To always decide if an opportunity is right for you?
What if I told you that, when you learn it…
Making this decision is easy…
In fact, it’s INSTANT!
Is this something you would want to learn?
Read on.
When I hired Kent Clothier to be my coach years ago…
The one thing he kept droning on and on about was my “Perfect Day”.
He said that everything I did from now on only had one purpose…
To move me towards my perfect day.
My “Perfect Day” was an analogy for the exact day-to-day lifestyle I wanted to be living.
Which activities would move me towards living that day more and more authentically…
And which activities would either not move me at all…
Or even move me in the OPPOSITE direction?
After resisting his advice for a couple months…
I finally caved and accepted his view point.
Something snapped in me and I understood the value in what he was trying to show me.
He was simply trying to show e that they only thing that mattered…
Was for me to move towards living the life I truly wanted to live…
A little more every single day.
So when I woke up in the morning, I actually read my perfect day right away.
I asked myself “What can I do today, to move me towards living my perfect day?”
“What’s the fastest and easiest path for me to get to that exact lifestyle?”
I asked that question over and over…
And I did what I believed would get me there.
Now, understand this…
My answers to the question weren’t always RIGHT.
Sometimes I misjudged opportunities and I made backwards progress.
But, by having that Perfect Day as my focal point…
And by asking the question over and over…
I got pretty damn good at GUESSING (because your plan is always little more than a good guess)...
Which activities were going to move me in the right direction.
After doing this for about 3 years…
I woke up one day and realized I had arrived.
I had freedom to do what I pleased each day...
I had a business that educated/helped others...
I had enough passive income to cover my bills...
I had good relationships and health…
And so on.
And believe me…
I used to have shiny object syndrome SO Bad…
That I am the least likely success story.
It took me focusing in on this ONE THING (My Perfect Day)...
To finally get traction…
Make meaningful progress…
And make the decision of “WHAT TO DO”...
So, as any good coach would do…
I’m now going to reflect the question back to you…
(And I want you to reply to this email with your answer)
The next time you are considering an opportunity, a path, or an idea…
How will YOU decide what to do?
P.S. - Get good at saying NO :)