Are You Worth It?
May 04, 2024I'd like to invite you to participate in a short, powerful exercise with me.
First, think about your life's mission.
On a scale of 1-10, how important is it to you?
How disappointed would you feel if you got to the end of your life and you didn't achieve it?
Open your checking account or credit card statement...
Look at your purchases in the last 90 days.
Ask yourself...
How many of these purchases are helping me achieve my mission?
How many times have I invested in me?
Purchases in support of your mission could be:
- A book, course, or coaching program
- A mastermind
- A ticket to a live event
- Investments made in the health of your own mind and body
Here's the scary truth that most people see when they do this exercise:
I'm not valuing myself (or my mission) at all.
Now, you might say things like:
"My mission is so important to me. It's everything."
Yet, the way we invest our resources tells the exact opposite story:
Everything but your mission is important to you.
Your priorities are backwards.
Like my grandmother used to say:
"Actions speak louder than words."
Trivial purchases are not even on the same playing field as an investment made in furthering your mission.
Investing to get help can:
- Get you there faster
- Bring other people with influence on board
- Help you avoid countless pitfalls
- Line the dominoes up so you can knock them down
- Reduce the effort it takes by a lot
Why is it so edgy to invest in coaching, mentorship and education?
This should be one of the first ways we spend our money.
"Pay Yourself First" is great advice in the financial world.
Let's extend this advice to investing in your mission — getting the help you need to make sure you succeed.
When You're Stuck
If you're stuck (and don't know what to do), this is the most critical time to pay for help.
You don't know what to do.
Your train isn't moving.
The clock is ticking.
Your mission is at risk.
Other people literally hold the knowledge you lack.
Why spend money on other non-essential things — at a time like this?
Why go to the shopping mall at all — until this is figured out?
Let's normalize investing in ourselves — so we can get to our goals faster.
I've invested over 300K in coaching, masterminds, programs, and live events.
Some would call that crazy.
To me, it was a way to get to where I am faster.
I'm about to join another program this month.
I love to pay for speed and ease.
You Are Worth It
Please realize that your mission is worth investing in.
Your legacy — your life's work — should be at the top of your priority list.
When you're in a position to pay for help — you get there a lot faster and easier.
P.S. - When you are ready, the two ways I offer my help are as follows:
#1 - If you're a newer coach or creator who needs help creating your offer and finding your niche.
This is what we do inside of the ā€‹14 Day Nail Your Niche Challenge.ā€‹
#2 - If you're a more experienced coach/creator who already works with clients and wants to publish a book to grow your brand and get more clients.
This is what we do inside ā€‹Author Accelerator.