4 Steps to Getting Clients (When You are a New Coach)
Apr 03, 2024
When I started my coaching business, I drank from the firehose.
I read every email from every info marketer.
I listened to every podcast.
I read all of Russell Brunson’s books simultaneously, while listening to Dan Kennedy’s books on audio.
I signed up for courses on how to grow on Instagram, build funnels, run Facebook ads, write books, and create webinars.
Where did all of this lead me?
- Thousands of dollars invested.
- 6 months passed.
- Only $1,500 in revenue collected.
- Completely exhausted and overwhelmed.
I was learning so much, but I couldn’t figure out how to apply it.
I couldn’t see the forest for the trees.
I didn’t have a coach who could show me just how simple it could be.
To put it more accurately, how simple it needed to be if I was ever going to start getting paying clients.
Imagine your goal was to find the perfect partner.
Then, you went out and dated 10 different people at once.
You weren’t willing to commit to any one person. You never went all-in.
When things didn’t work, you sought out even more new people to dabble with.
That would be insane, right?
Trying to execute more than one strategy in your business would be like trying to create two meaningful, intimate relationships at the same time.
We all know it doesn’t work that way.
You must stick with one person to create a deep, meaningful relationship.
You must stick with one strategy to create a profitable coaching business.
So what do you really need to get clients? What exactly is this simple strategy?
There are 4 Steps.
Step #1: Clarify who you serve and the outcome you create for them\
Many newer coaches can’t provide a clear answer to the above questions. I get it. This took me a long time to arrive at myself.
With the benefit of hindsight, I can see that lack of clarity on this was the core cause of my early failure.
If you don’t have clarity on who you serve and what you do for them, how in the world do you expect to sell anything?
You can’t create an offer without knowing who it’s for and what it does.
You can’t create content without knowing who it’s for and what it does.
You can’t write an email, build a website or funnel, or do anything without clarity on your niche.
That comes first, and it colors in everything else you do — leading you down the path to getting clients.
Step #2: Create an Irresistible High-Ticket Offer
“My offer is a digital 8-week course with email support and community”
That’s NOT an offer. That’s just a sentence that explains the way an offer is delivered.
“My offer is $97 for a coaching session” or “My offer is a course for $197”
If you don’t have a huge audience to sell these cheap things to, good luck making any real money.
You need to make an offer that’s good enough to charge between 2-10K for. That’s the only way you can make real money while your audience is small.
Offer creation is a beast. It’s a skill in and of itself.
The better offer you can create, the more people will say yes.
It’s literally the biggest “lever” you can pull to increase your revenue
It’s the “finish line” you’re trying to get prospects across, turning them into clients (and ever-important revenue so you have a real business).
It’s make or break.
There’s a lot of psychology behind creating an irresistible, high-ticket offer in the coaching space.
You have to understand the 3 primary drivers that cause people to make a buying decision.
I’ll give you a teaser:
- “Will this get me results fast?”
- “Will this get me results with minimal effort?”
- “Will this get me guaranteed results?”
You must learn to address these in the structure of your offer, making it a near no-brainer to say yes to you.
OK, now you’ve got clarity on your niche, and you used that clarity to craft an Irresistible High-Ticket Offer.
Is it time to make money yet?
Nope. We’re only halfway there.
Step #3: Demonstration Mechanism
I went to a Mexican restaurant on the boardwalk in Long Beach, CA with a friend recently.
We ordered margaritas, salsa, and guacamole.
The views were amazing. The food and drink? Not so much.
We had originally planned to stay for dinner, but judging by the quality of the appetizers, dinner wasn’t going to be so great.
So, we asked for the check and went somewhere else.
Here’s some bad news:
Even though you created an Irresistible Offer, people aren’t just going to come out of the woodworks and buy it.
They don’t trust you yet.
They aren’t sure if you can truly deliver.
Your audience wants an “appetizer” so they can sample what you have to offer.
It’s a competitive market out there, and your prospects have choices. You better be great at what you do, and be able to demonstrate that.
A lot of people have used things like webinars or video sales letters to demonstrate their value.
I personally use books and like that strategy much better.
I get warm leads every single week from those who have read one of my books.
In fact, I’ve already earned 10K this week (and it’s only Wednesday), all of which came from people who read my book, liked the “appetizer”, and chose to work with me 1:1 to help them implement.
Once you have niche clarity, an irresistible high-ticket offer, and a demonstration mechanism, you’re only missing one final piece…
Step #4: Generate Consistent Leads
I get 3 clients for every 100 books that I sell. That ratio is consistent across the board with other authors who have coaching programs.
With everything else we’ve discussed in place, this becomes a sheer numbers game.
I’ve worked with clients who have bigger audiences than me, and they make more money than me simply because they have more eyeballs to show all of this to.
I wish I would have started building my audience WAY earlier.
If any part of you is waiting to do this, please allow me to reach through the screen and slap you.
(Calm down, it’s just a gentle slap, like the Italian guys on Goodfellas do to each other)
But seriously, wake up.
When are you going to start building your audience?
It’s only getting harder each day you wait.
Choosing 1-2 social channels to master is key.
Then, build an email list so you can follow up.
Now, I want you to imagine this:
- You have an ever-growing audience + email list…
- A percentage of those people are consuming your demonstration mechanism…
- A percentage of those people are reaching out to speak with you (and saying yes to your high-ticket offer)…
How could you not succeed?
It’s just a game of time and persistence at this point.
Oh, and not changing or sabotaging things.
(like changing or adding offers, changing or adding social media channels, or generally adding complexity that ends up breaking the machine)
These are the 4 Steps that guarantee success in your coaching business.
Not overnight success, but guaranteed success if you stick it out.
I hope you can see the forest for the trees now.
Like I said, most coaches are failing because:
- They don’t know about the 4 steps (how simple it can and must be)
- They are adding way too much complexity
- They ultimately burn out and quit before they gave themselves a chance to get traction
That’s the other thing people don’t talk about. You do run the risk of losing motivation and quitting if you go too long without seeing success.
Even the most resilient people can only take a beating for so long before they give up and move on.
That’s why it’s important for you to create a super simple strategy that works fast.
Your focus is currently like a flashlight. We want to turn that into a laser, which can literally cut diamonds.
If you like the idea of what we’ve talked about so far and want me to walk you through all of this personally inside of my program FastTrack..
Here are 3 characteristics you must have to succeed with this:
1 - You must have gotten a result for yourself or others OR be willing to test your assumptions
If you aren’t sure if your methods will work for someone else because you haven’t had a client yet - that’s fine.
But, you must be willing to go out and help someone — even if it’s for free — so you can test your assumptions and obtain proof.
Too many wanna-be experts stay stuck forever because they are trying to sell something they haven’t done for themselves.
They aren’t even willing to work with someone — even if it’s for free + a testimonial — to begin getting traction.
They will stay stuck forever.
I’ll help you find the outcome you are best suited to deliver.
I’m just saying, if you’ve never delivered it to someone before, there’s a (short) testing period that will be required.
We’re just doing the right thing.
2 - You must have a minimum of 5 hours per week to work on your business
If you’re so busy that you don’t have the time to work on your business, don’t buy another coaching program just to get nothing from it.
Free up your schedule and then come back.
You need to build momentum so you can sustain your motivation.
5 hours a week is the bare minimum to start to see results. 10 is much better.
3 - You must be willing to have a funeral for your shiny object syndrome
If you start working with me and then get distracted by another funnel building software or guru webinar presentation one week later, don’t waste your time with this program. It’s unlikely to work for you.
If you do qualify with all three, here’s what you stand to gain when you work with me inside of FastTrack:
1 - You will have an irresistible High-Ticket Offer
I’m going to do this with you on live coaching calls.
It’s going to remove a lot of the effort on your part, because I’ve done this at least a hundred times.
It’s also going to leave you with an offer that you will be proud of, and so excited to tell your prospects about.
When you say the price, the feeling in your body will be:
They’re crazy if they don’t say yes to this. It’s so valuable!
When you believe in what you do, and the offer is truly great, a higher % of your prospects are going to say YES.
Oh, and by the way, we sort out the details of your niche in the process of Offer Creation.
Then you’ll be able to update your bios, website, and talk about what you do with clarity and confidence, everywhere you go.
2 - You Will Have a Short eBook
If we work together, we’re going to create an eBook as your Demonstration Mechanism.
Yes, you can publish it on Amazon / modify or add it it later…
For now, I want you to have a short, punchy eBook to use ASAP.
This will serve as your Demonstration Mechanism that you can sell or give away for free to your audience.
It will:
- Build your credibility as an author
- Demonstrate the value you have to add
- Collect email addresses to build your list and allow you to follow up
It will be your appetizer, and I’ll make sure it’s something you’re truly proud to give out.
We will wrap our time up by crafting a simple, repeatable strategy to grow your social media audience and get them onto your email list.
Imagine waking up and knowing exactly what your job is. Imagine having a plan that actually works, and is simple to stick with.
Imagine changing who you are, and becoming someone who can create (and stick to) a very simple strategy.
That’s what it’s all about.
When you see that simplicity works, you won’t want complexity ever again.
How it Works
FastTrack is a 90-day program where you will work with me 1:1 on weekly, sixty-minute coaching calls.
It’s called FastTrack because things happen fast. We will build all of this out in literally 90 days.
One of my FastTrack clients, Chris, signed a 10K client before he was even through with the program.
It happened because his offer was so good.
The current investment for FastTrack is $4,800. It can be paid for in 3 payments of $1,600/mo if desired.
The price will go up over time and will never be lower than it is today.
To join requires that we have a short call to get to know each other first.
(I have to make sure you aren’t crazy)
Simply reach out to get that scheduled first and we will go from there.